New Cut the Crap is out!

Cut The Crap Social.png

It’s the first Sunday of the month and you know what this means! Brew some coffee, make some lunch or grab a beer or another beverage of your choice and enjoy the 5th issue of our small zine.

In this issue you will find:

  • A new practice space card from our Quite a Place imaginary card game

  • Interview with Greek alt punks Ohtomiden about gear and their great latest album, “Allos Enas”

  • A text about the effect of obsessing over analytics on enjoying a DIY project

  • Short reviews curated by

  • Andy’s mum review of the new Tigers Jaw

  • A tournament bracket with 2000s video games

You can read this month’s issue here


Half a year of Cut the Crap!


“Drive Me”, the new Alex Laddie single - out on April 12